Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'm on week 3!

Hey guys,

Haven't posted in a little while from pure laziness and because the workouts haven't changed yet, but I wanted to give an update. I'm still going strong. Somedays I REALLY have to fight to push play (Plyo being the worst) but regardless I get it done. There are a few things that I wanted to talk about in this post so here goes.

A few more of my friends have been inspired to begin and they are having trouble with finishing the videos. My advice is to pace pace pace yourself and modify modify modify. The people on the videos are P90X graduates (probably a few times) and I'm sure they had to pass some intense trials before being selected to be on the video and even THEY have a hard time with it. Tony will tell you repeatedly to take breaks if you need them. If you can't breathe, take a break. If your legs are shaking and you're about to collapse, take a break. If you think your puny wrists aren't up to the battle of holding your body up while doing some of these exotic moves, don't break your wrists, modify it so that you don't hurt yourself. If you can't do the full push ups, modify them until you are able to get one or two in. This is an XTREME workout and in due time, you will be able to do what the rock stars on the video do. Just get through it. You have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. Please don't kill yourself because I'm not explaining to the FBI why I forced everyone to get in shape with P90X.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that Tony is an EXCELLENT instructor. It's in my nature to pay attention to every little detail and boy is he good! He will explain each move and tell you how you're not supposed to be doing it. Many times I've caught myself doing it wrong and quickly corrected it. He tells you what is acceptable to do instead of the full move. He will tell you how many reps you need to do for a certain look. He explains many different ways to do each move so that it is still effective and getting the job done. He's also kinda cheesy funny which I can appreciate. I still don't understand how he is able to talk through each of these exercises. He doesn't just say a few words at the beginning, he talks throughout the entire set of reps. That takes a LOT of energy and strength because I can hardly talk 5 minutes after cool down let alone during the actual workout. I really like this program and how Tony presents it to the viewer.

I am in my third week and my body is pretty used to the routines now, so I'm not in constant pain at work all day. I have yet to get heavier weights, but I'm planning on starting the next set with them. I also found a goal buddy and we have set year end goals for ourselves and a treat to go along with it. But we will take baby steps and have mini goals from now until then in which we will have mini treats. She is a P90X graduate and she looks GREAT by the way. My inspiration!

Until next time,


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