Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Losing weight in my sleep?!

So as you all may know I'm on week 2 of the P90X program. Last night was my hell on earth Plyometrics. Some tough stuff. This time I definitely had to take a few breaks because I couldn't catch my breath well. It all worked out because I still finished the entire workout. I was also baking some chicken during my workout cause a girl still has to eat. :)

Afterwards I showered, ate and layed down for the night. In the morning before I got dressed, I decided to jump on the scale because that's now my morning routine. I saw that I had lost an additional 2 lbs from the evening before. I was so shocked I couldn't believe it! This totally made my day and tells me that the hard work is DEFINITELY paying off. I'm super excited to keep going and pushing myself because man is this tough. 7 lbs in a week and a day isn't bad at all!

Another thing I noticed is that I'm not AS sore as I was the day after the first plyo workout. Don't get me wrong, I still had a hard time getting dressed this morning, but the stiffness has worn off and I am able to move around a little more freely. I was even able to walk up both escalators to get to work this morning which usually I walk up the first one and ride the second one. I wasn't even out of breath. I can see it's working! :)

Keep pushing!


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