Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I Can See Results Already!

Now I'm on my 4th week of the P90X program. This is the most difficult thing I've had to do my entire life, but when I say I'm going to do something, I do it. It's just my personality. Some days I reeeeally struggle with pressing play. Then I literally force myself to get my lazy butt up and do it. It's only an hour and it's for ME! Why not? I can spend countless hours doing nothing but watching tv or having useless conversations. I need this. I want this. I'm GOING to get this.

So for those of you who don't know, week 4 is SUPPOSED to be "recovery" week. I thought that meant that it would be a little less difficult. I'm laughing as I'm writing this because now I know how naive I was to even think that. Before I did core synergistics, I was a little worried and asked my friend what to expect. She said that it was tough, but I'd be fine. I think she didn't want to scare me because tough is definitely an understatement. I was all over the place and that was the first time that I chuckled when he mentioned a "bonus round". He gave the option to fast forward to the cool down and that's EXACTLY what I did.

I'm also getting a little better at the yoga. It still makes me pour down sweating more than any of the other workouts, but I think my muscles are getting a little more flexible. The hardest time I have is with the balance poses. Sometimes I get frustrated because I keep hobbling and tumbling, but in due time I'm sure that'll get better.

My absolute favorite part of each workout are the stretches at the beginning and end. Although some of them really do hurt, many of them feel sooooo good. I don't know how they come up with a lot of them, but they are heaven sent in the midst of hell. Well until I have some more torture stories...


P.S. I've lost 11 lbs and my tummy is really starting to go down. I was able to wear this amazing dress last weekend and BOY did it look great! More motivation. The pain is working!

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