Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going in for the LAST Month!!

Ok so I've been MIA for awhile. It's just been really hectic lately. I'm still doing my workouts so I'm proud of that. I've been hesitant to post because I still haven't taken the pictures with my birthday dress on. I keep forgetting to do it and since I promised I'd give a comparison with that dress on, I kinda wanted to wait until I took those pictures to do another post. Plans changed and I did a really cool interview about the P90X program so I wanted to share that. Here it is:

I also wanted to talk a little bit about my progress between Day 30 and Day 60. Honestly, comparing the pictures, I didn't really see a big difference. I got soooo frustrated because the program is so hard! I have a goal and in order to reach it, something's gotta change. As I said in the beginning of the program, I haven't been following the diet plan. That MUST be my downfall... Who woulda thunk it?! So I'm going to change that up a bit and see what happens this last month.

My biggest guilty pleasure in the food department is CARBS!! Oh my goodness I could eat a plate of rice and be happy with it. It's definitely my comfort. I eat pasta more than a little bit. I told my friend that I tried to go on the whole wheat pasta, bread and brown rice thing, but she laughed and told me they are all still high in carbs. Dagonit! I thought I had something there.

I have to really limit the amount of pasta, bread and rice I consume period. I've been eating a lot of meats and vegetables lately. I do eat fruit oatmeal for breakfast at work every morning which is pretty high in carbs, and I've been going banana crazy lately and eating tons of grapes. I know these have a lot of sugar in them, but I see it as at least I'm not eating chocolate, cake and ice cream. Since I stopped eating so much carbs I've probably dropped another 3-5lbs so it's working!

I'm going to Miami in December and I wanna be hotter than the weather! I'm going to try REALLY hard to get the pics taken this week.

Crossing fingers for pics...


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