Tuesday, August 31, 2010

End of Week 1

I've been a little lazy with posting lately, but I had to tell about the last 2 workouts of Phase I: Legs and Back and Kempo X. I actually missed Legs and Back on Friday because I was pretty busy, so I did it Saturday morning when I woke up and then I did Kempo X later that evening.

Legs and Back like everything else is tough. This is a series of lunges, squats, excrutiating tippy toe routines, every muscle you can think of in your legs are being forced to work. There's one move that was the worst ever. I forgot the name of it, but the pain spoke volumes. He forces you to squat against the wall for thirty seconds. Again 30 seconds may sound like no big deal. What's a half minute right? WRONG again! And to add insult to injury, he makes you go BACK and do it again after a series of different painful leg excercises and apparently just sitting there wasn't good enough the first time. He makes you do it lifting one leg this time. 30 seconds on EACH leg. Just thinking about the pain makes me giggle. It's some tough stuff.

The next day I had to do Kempo X. This turned out to be a really fun boxing class. We were kicking major butt in my bedroom. Jabs, uppercuts, hooks, back kicks, forward kicks, three way kicks, etc. I didn't know I had so much pent up aggression and some people really got it. It was a release and to say I sweat would be an understatement. It was more like pouring. I couldn't wear my sweat band for my waist because I may have just passed out. I figured out that I'm not as poised with my left hand as with my right. When it's time to switch hands, it's really difficult and I felt really silly. Extremely ungraceful (bowing my head in shame). He does it slow enough for you to try to get your brain to get off the 3 shots of vodka it feels as though you just took, but soon after he picks up the pace and that's when all hell breaks loose. The workout was intense, but it was definitely a good time.

On Sunday I had a choice between resting or doing X-Stretch. I chose to rest because I was busy, but I will definitely do it this coming Sunday.

I'm also excited because I was able to convince a few people to endure the torture with me and they started last night! So now we get to share our funny stories and feel each other's pain. I even have my bestie in North Carolina along for the ride. I'm excited to see how long everyone sticks with it and of course the end results.

Week 2 here I go!


Oh by the way, I lost 5 lbs! Yay me!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Becoming One With The Land... Right??

Day 4... Yoga

I've always thought of yoga as a slow paced, breathe in breathe out routine that allows you to focus on a different, more intimate level while training your muscles to become more flexible by the different poses you must mimic. The things I've heard about yoga make it sound like the experience takes you on a wonderful ride in which your mind is utterly and completely blank and you can feel a sort of spirituality that only you can explain. A wonderful thing... Right?


P90X yoga is NOTHING like this. This is the longest video of them all. It is about an hour and a half. When I saw the timer when I first turned on the video, I wasn't intimidated because I figured this would be a good time. Sort of a break from the vigorous, tiresome routines I've previously endured. Let me say this one thing to put my fantasy in perspective. By the time I looked up and saw that 25 minutes had elapsed, I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it to the end.

This tooooootally changed my view on yoga. I usually wear a stomach belt that allows my midsection to sweat more during my workouts which will allow me to lose more inches there. By the tenth minute I ripped that sucker off so quick you would have thought there was a drive-by through my complex. I was literally pouring sweat from my face onto the floor by 20 minutes. My shirt was getting soaked and I was amazed.

Although yoga is not high intensity, your body is being pushed and twisted into shapes you didn't know existed and you're being forced to sit in those positions for 30 seconds and more. 30 seconds may not sound like a long time, but when your legs and arms are shaking because you're about to collapse from the strain, 30 seconds feels like a day.

I was really shocked that the yoga routine made me work that hard, but there was a good side to it. At the end of the longest hour and a half of my life, my body was stretched so well that the pain from the previous workouts had subsided and I was actually able to walk... Go figure. I was excited about that!

I believe that yoga, in time, will take me on this spiritual journey, but as I'm becoming one with the poses, I will definitely struggle to keep up and figure out what the hell I'm doing.

Legs and back next. I'm done with my expectations.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can Someone Get Me a Wheelchair?!

Day 3 down...

So last night I did the shoulders and arms video. This routine was a compilation of weight lifting targeting the shoulders, biceps and triceps. I didn't have THAT much trouble with this video which definitely tells me that I need to get heavier weights. I had to do way more reps in order to "feel the burn."

Today my arms are a bit sore, but NOTHING in comparison to the pain I feel in my legs from the Plyometrics routine from Tuesday. I mean throw me a frickin bone here! I thought my body would be a bit more recuperated today, but I woke up walking like a zombie. If you saw me getting dressed this morning, you would have thought I got shot in the leg last night. I literally have to brace myself to sit by holding both sides of the chair and just plopping in it. At least I get a kick out of it.

I had a conversation with a soon-to-be P90X graduate and I've decided that the pain is going to be what keeps me going. This is because I know it's working. If I didn't feel anything, then obviously the workout isn't changing my body. This pain is good pain even though it may make me wanna take a valium and call it quits, I like it. The pain symbolizes change. I'm glad I have someone to talk to about it because she gives me encouragement to keep going. Push through the pain. It will all be worth it. It makes me feel good. The pain makes me feel sexy (however weird that may sound).

I had to do Ab Ripper X again after the workout and although it's only 20 minutes, it's still intense. There's this black guy in the video and he makes it look like he's taking a stroll through the park with his boo at dusk on a quiet, breezy fall evening with the wind blowing through his locks and cotton balls in his shoes just for the peace of mind it gives him. I mean this guy is TOUGH. Doesn't break a sweat. Well maybe he does, but he sure looks at peace with these excrutiating crunches. Either way I'm looking forward to getting better at them.

Tonight's yoga. I've never done yoga, but this shouldn't be too hard... Right? :-/


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Plyometrics... What a ride!

Day 2....

I thought the push ups/pull ups were a challenge, but I had NO IDEA!

Plyometrics is a set of exercises used for agility training. This is fancy for saying you'll be jumping around your livingroom looking like a fool for an hour. It is TOUGH. Even when you modify it to what you are able to do. When you think of this training, just think BURN. That's all it is. Massive burning in your legs. It's an hour of 30 second intervals of jumping in different weird poses. Jump squats, run stance squats, airborne heismans, swing kicks, squat reach jumps, circle runs, rock star hops, military march, lateral leap frog squats and etc. etc. etc. It's INSANE.

I looked on my calendar and saw that you do not get a break from this routine the whole 90 days. This will definitely be a challange. The goal is to get your heart rate to a certain level oh and make you look like a fool while doing so. This exercise really makes me appreciate the fact that I can do this in the comfort of my own home because I would NEVER do this in a gym.

I must admit that I kept up to the best of my ability, didn't pause for any breaks and at the end I was extremely proud of myself. They make you feel good in the video for finishing because they are IN the video and struggling with it too, so they are proud of themselves for finishing as well. He says that this is the heart and soul of the P90X program and I can definitely see why.

I literally had trouble walking down the stairs this morning. Sitting and walking have also become a task for me today. The pain isn't bad pain. It's a pain of accomplishment, drive and a new beginning. A good burn. I'm excited for tonight's shoulder and arms workout along with the ab ripper x. My abs haven't fully recovered from Monday, but if they had, I guess it wouldn't be considered Xtreme.

Until the next time...


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 1 and Oooh It Burns

So I finished my first day of P90X and I didn't think it was that bad. I pushed myself until I couldn't go anymore and today I can definitely feel it. My first workout was Chest and Back along with a 20 minute Ab Ripper. The Chest and Back was pretty much a bunch of different pull ups and push ups. I thought I could use weights to simulate pull ups, but I realized that it doesn't give you the same back workout lifting weights as having to pull weights. I'm probably going to get a resistance band to get that full workout.

The first set wasn't that difficult besides the fact that I was doing push ups which I haven't done since I was in high school 6 years ago. Going back for the second set was definitely the challenge. You have to really push yourself to try to get as many reps as you did the first time if not more. I realized that I need to get some heavier weights because the 5lb weights aren't giving me that instant "burn" that he talks about.

The breaks during the program were a God send. I tried to keep up with the DVD to the best of my ability although he encourages you to take breaks as needed. He stresses that your number of reps aren't as important as your form. I tried to keep this in mind because my body will naturally be more inclined to do what is more comfortable which may not be working the proper muscle he is targeting. This is a challenge as well because the further along in the routine you get, the more exhausted you become making the form that more tough to keep up.

The Ab Ripper X is a whole new beast. Boy was THAT tough! He works parts of your stomach that you didn't know existed. Thank GOD it was only 20 minutes. At the end he said if you kept up, you probably did 340 crunches. I thought to myself geesh I probably only did about 20. I'm really looking forward to increasing that number.

Well it's Tuesday and I can definitely feel the burn. I'm sore throughout my chest and a little in my tummy. I've heard that the Plyometrics is a monster. Looking forward to that one tonight. Until my next post...


Monday, August 23, 2010

Before Pics... I dare NOT show them now. :-/

So, I took my day 1 pictures last night and boy was I in for a hoot! It's crazy how one may create this self image which tends to be a bit distorted and in a better light than the bitter reality. When I took these pictures in my mirror, I was shocked to go back through my iphone to see what I had snapped. I thought it may be bad, but boy was that an understatement. I clearly have not realized how much weight I have gained over the years from being an inactive overeater which is hard for me to admit.

When I first saw the pictures I was shocked at my body's condition, but this gave me all the more drive to begin my fitness journey. I am too young to be in this type of shape. I don't want to suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholestrol and a number of other conditions because of a lack of exercise and caring for my health. I've always been a heavier girl for as long as I can remember. I thought it was baby fat and that I'd grow out of it. Well I'm 23 now and the baby fat has turned into adult fat. I've realized that it's not just gonna get tired of hanging on my waist one day because I have a boring life, get up and find the waist of someone else who is a bit more interesting. This fat is mine and it's here to stay unless I make a change. I am ready for that change.

I'm glad I could talk some people into doing this program with me. It will give us something positive to talk about. It will help me to move forward in my life. Having others for support may make the difference from going through a week and giving up, to getting through the entire program because you had those few people to walk through with at the same time. I am extremely excited to get started and I can't wait until day 90 is here. That's when I will show my before pictures and hope to see a great result!

I will try to do a few posts a week about how the program is going, my challenges and goals. I took a sneak peak at the first DVD "How to Bring It" and "Chest and Back". This is going to DEFINITELY be a challenge, but I'm ready to push push push and make it through.

I greatly encourage you to post your stories, challenges, questions, comments and concerns in the comments section. Now let the good times roll!