Monday, August 23, 2010

Before Pics... I dare NOT show them now. :-/

So, I took my day 1 pictures last night and boy was I in for a hoot! It's crazy how one may create this self image which tends to be a bit distorted and in a better light than the bitter reality. When I took these pictures in my mirror, I was shocked to go back through my iphone to see what I had snapped. I thought it may be bad, but boy was that an understatement. I clearly have not realized how much weight I have gained over the years from being an inactive overeater which is hard for me to admit.

When I first saw the pictures I was shocked at my body's condition, but this gave me all the more drive to begin my fitness journey. I am too young to be in this type of shape. I don't want to suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholestrol and a number of other conditions because of a lack of exercise and caring for my health. I've always been a heavier girl for as long as I can remember. I thought it was baby fat and that I'd grow out of it. Well I'm 23 now and the baby fat has turned into adult fat. I've realized that it's not just gonna get tired of hanging on my waist one day because I have a boring life, get up and find the waist of someone else who is a bit more interesting. This fat is mine and it's here to stay unless I make a change. I am ready for that change.

I'm glad I could talk some people into doing this program with me. It will give us something positive to talk about. It will help me to move forward in my life. Having others for support may make the difference from going through a week and giving up, to getting through the entire program because you had those few people to walk through with at the same time. I am extremely excited to get started and I can't wait until day 90 is here. That's when I will show my before pictures and hope to see a great result!

I will try to do a few posts a week about how the program is going, my challenges and goals. I took a sneak peak at the first DVD "How to Bring It" and "Chest and Back". This is going to DEFINITELY be a challenge, but I'm ready to push push push and make it through.

I greatly encourage you to post your stories, challenges, questions, comments and concerns in the comments section. Now let the good times roll!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't it just hurt so very bad... XD (Hey, it's Lenora! :D)
