Thursday, August 26, 2010

Can Someone Get Me a Wheelchair?!

Day 3 down...

So last night I did the shoulders and arms video. This routine was a compilation of weight lifting targeting the shoulders, biceps and triceps. I didn't have THAT much trouble with this video which definitely tells me that I need to get heavier weights. I had to do way more reps in order to "feel the burn."

Today my arms are a bit sore, but NOTHING in comparison to the pain I feel in my legs from the Plyometrics routine from Tuesday. I mean throw me a frickin bone here! I thought my body would be a bit more recuperated today, but I woke up walking like a zombie. If you saw me getting dressed this morning, you would have thought I got shot in the leg last night. I literally have to brace myself to sit by holding both sides of the chair and just plopping in it. At least I get a kick out of it.

I had a conversation with a soon-to-be P90X graduate and I've decided that the pain is going to be what keeps me going. This is because I know it's working. If I didn't feel anything, then obviously the workout isn't changing my body. This pain is good pain even though it may make me wanna take a valium and call it quits, I like it. The pain symbolizes change. I'm glad I have someone to talk to about it because she gives me encouragement to keep going. Push through the pain. It will all be worth it. It makes me feel good. The pain makes me feel sexy (however weird that may sound).

I had to do Ab Ripper X again after the workout and although it's only 20 minutes, it's still intense. There's this black guy in the video and he makes it look like he's taking a stroll through the park with his boo at dusk on a quiet, breezy fall evening with the wind blowing through his locks and cotton balls in his shoes just for the peace of mind it gives him. I mean this guy is TOUGH. Doesn't break a sweat. Well maybe he does, but he sure looks at peace with these excrutiating crunches. Either way I'm looking forward to getting better at them.

Tonight's yoga. I've never done yoga, but this shouldn't be too hard... Right? :-/


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