Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Plyometrics... What a ride!

Day 2....

I thought the push ups/pull ups were a challenge, but I had NO IDEA!

Plyometrics is a set of exercises used for agility training. This is fancy for saying you'll be jumping around your livingroom looking like a fool for an hour. It is TOUGH. Even when you modify it to what you are able to do. When you think of this training, just think BURN. That's all it is. Massive burning in your legs. It's an hour of 30 second intervals of jumping in different weird poses. Jump squats, run stance squats, airborne heismans, swing kicks, squat reach jumps, circle runs, rock star hops, military march, lateral leap frog squats and etc. etc. etc. It's INSANE.

I looked on my calendar and saw that you do not get a break from this routine the whole 90 days. This will definitely be a challange. The goal is to get your heart rate to a certain level oh and make you look like a fool while doing so. This exercise really makes me appreciate the fact that I can do this in the comfort of my own home because I would NEVER do this in a gym.

I must admit that I kept up to the best of my ability, didn't pause for any breaks and at the end I was extremely proud of myself. They make you feel good in the video for finishing because they are IN the video and struggling with it too, so they are proud of themselves for finishing as well. He says that this is the heart and soul of the P90X program and I can definitely see why.

I literally had trouble walking down the stairs this morning. Sitting and walking have also become a task for me today. The pain isn't bad pain. It's a pain of accomplishment, drive and a new beginning. A good burn. I'm excited for tonight's shoulder and arms workout along with the ab ripper x. My abs haven't fully recovered from Monday, but if they had, I guess it wouldn't be considered Xtreme.

Until the next time...



  1. I hear ya! My thighs are just aching. Makes walking an adventure!!

  2. I agree! I am on my second week, and while I did do better the second time on Plyometrics, it is SO hard. My hair was soaking wet, and my face was all red afterwards, and I could barely walk the next day. Keep it up!
