Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 1 and Oooh It Burns

So I finished my first day of P90X and I didn't think it was that bad. I pushed myself until I couldn't go anymore and today I can definitely feel it. My first workout was Chest and Back along with a 20 minute Ab Ripper. The Chest and Back was pretty much a bunch of different pull ups and push ups. I thought I could use weights to simulate pull ups, but I realized that it doesn't give you the same back workout lifting weights as having to pull weights. I'm probably going to get a resistance band to get that full workout.

The first set wasn't that difficult besides the fact that I was doing push ups which I haven't done since I was in high school 6 years ago. Going back for the second set was definitely the challenge. You have to really push yourself to try to get as many reps as you did the first time if not more. I realized that I need to get some heavier weights because the 5lb weights aren't giving me that instant "burn" that he talks about.

The breaks during the program were a God send. I tried to keep up with the DVD to the best of my ability although he encourages you to take breaks as needed. He stresses that your number of reps aren't as important as your form. I tried to keep this in mind because my body will naturally be more inclined to do what is more comfortable which may not be working the proper muscle he is targeting. This is a challenge as well because the further along in the routine you get, the more exhausted you become making the form that more tough to keep up.

The Ab Ripper X is a whole new beast. Boy was THAT tough! He works parts of your stomach that you didn't know existed. Thank GOD it was only 20 minutes. At the end he said if you kept up, you probably did 340 crunches. I thought to myself geesh I probably only did about 20. I'm really looking forward to increasing that number.

Well it's Tuesday and I can definitely feel the burn. I'm sore throughout my chest and a little in my tummy. I've heard that the Plyometrics is a monster. Looking forward to that one tonight. Until my next post...


1 comment:

  1. Girl I am hurting... I finished the first day today and I feel the pain already, but I know tomorrow I'm going feel it way more but I wont stop cant stop... take that take that ((Diddy Voice)) lml
