Saturday, August 28, 2010

Becoming One With The Land... Right??

Day 4... Yoga

I've always thought of yoga as a slow paced, breathe in breathe out routine that allows you to focus on a different, more intimate level while training your muscles to become more flexible by the different poses you must mimic. The things I've heard about yoga make it sound like the experience takes you on a wonderful ride in which your mind is utterly and completely blank and you can feel a sort of spirituality that only you can explain. A wonderful thing... Right?


P90X yoga is NOTHING like this. This is the longest video of them all. It is about an hour and a half. When I saw the timer when I first turned on the video, I wasn't intimidated because I figured this would be a good time. Sort of a break from the vigorous, tiresome routines I've previously endured. Let me say this one thing to put my fantasy in perspective. By the time I looked up and saw that 25 minutes had elapsed, I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it to the end.

This tooooootally changed my view on yoga. I usually wear a stomach belt that allows my midsection to sweat more during my workouts which will allow me to lose more inches there. By the tenth minute I ripped that sucker off so quick you would have thought there was a drive-by through my complex. I was literally pouring sweat from my face onto the floor by 20 minutes. My shirt was getting soaked and I was amazed.

Although yoga is not high intensity, your body is being pushed and twisted into shapes you didn't know existed and you're being forced to sit in those positions for 30 seconds and more. 30 seconds may not sound like a long time, but when your legs and arms are shaking because you're about to collapse from the strain, 30 seconds feels like a day.

I was really shocked that the yoga routine made me work that hard, but there was a good side to it. At the end of the longest hour and a half of my life, my body was stretched so well that the pain from the previous workouts had subsided and I was actually able to walk... Go figure. I was excited about that!

I believe that yoga, in time, will take me on this spiritual journey, but as I'm becoming one with the poses, I will definitely struggle to keep up and figure out what the hell I'm doing.

Legs and back next. I'm done with my expectations.


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